I step outside in the early morning and there is an ever so faint chill that was not here a week or two ago. My heart skips a beat in expectancy knowing that in a few weeks, the colors will change, and each step will be reflected in crunching leaves below my feet. Lucy the Wonder Dog knows too, and she uses the full length of her leash to run about, sniffing the new scents and smells that come with the changing seasons....
Meanwhile, the garden is still productive as it is harvest time, and yet I begin to plan for next year's venture. The wood chip mulch will be replaced with cocoa beans I think, and with the perennials and annuals, some tomatilla plants and basil would be nice. .... Light is fading, and soon it will be another Minnesota winter. But today, there seems to be as much expectancy as during the beginnings of spring. I shall cheer the coming of the Autumn leaves, and embrace the snows that follow. Another cycle is coming to a close, and a new one is coming soon. But a cool breeze softly caresses, and a gentle shiver and my plans are set aside for the exquisite experience of simply being. Life is good today.
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